Benefits Of Studying International Relations


There are so many benefits of studying international relationship and we will list seven importance of international relations and why studying it can parve great ways for you as a student. The factors outlined can also help you easily write your “why I want to study international relations essay.”

In an increasingly interconnected world, the study of International Relations (IR) has gained paramount importance. International Relations is a dynamic field that delves into the complex interactions, policies, and dynamics between nations, organizations, and global actors. From fostering a deeper understanding of diplomatic negotiations to unraveling the intricacies of international conflicts, studying IR offers an array of invaluable benefits that extend far beyond the classroom.

Importance Of Studying International Relations

1. Global Awareness and Perspective

One of the most prominent advantages of studying International Relations is the cultivation of global awareness and perspective. As students delve into the history, politics, economics, and culture of various countries, they gain a comprehensive understanding of the interdependence that shapes the world today. This perspective enables individuals to view issues from multiple angles, appreciate cultural diversity, and recognize the far-reaching consequences of decisions made by global actors.

2. Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills

Studying IR nurtures critical thinking and analytical skills essential for comprehending complex global issues. Students learn to dissect intricate problems, identify underlying factors, and evaluate the potential outcomes of different scenarios. This skill set not only equips individuals for a career in diplomacy and policy-making but also enhances their ability to navigate real-world challenges across various fields.

3. Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution

At the heart of International Relations lies the art of diplomacy and conflict resolution. Students gain insights into negotiation strategies, communication techniques, and the importance of fostering peaceful resolutions to international disputes. These skills are not only valuable for diplomats but also for professionals in business, law, and various other sectors that require effective communication and mediation.


4. Global Networking Opportunities

The study of International Relations often exposes students to a diverse cohort of peers, educators, and professionals from around the world. This environment encourages the formation of international networks that can be invaluable for future career prospects. Whether in academia, policy-making, or business, these connections provide access to a wealth of knowledge and collaborative opportunities.

5. Career Versatility

An IR degree opens doors to a wide range of career paths. Graduates can pursue roles in international organizations, government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), research institutes, journalism, and more. The versatility of an IR background allows individuals to contribute meaningfully to various sectors, addressing global challenges from different angles.

6. Understanding Global Challenges

From climate change and migration to terrorism and human rights, the world faces a plethora of complex challenges that transcend national borders. Studying International Relations equips individuals with the knowledge and tools to comprehend the root causes of these issues and explore potential solutions. This understanding is pivotal for contributing to the development of sustainable policies and initiatives.

7. Cultural Competence

In a world characterized by diverse cultures and traditions, cultural competence is crucial. The study of International Relations fosters empathy and respect for different cultural perspectives. This ability to navigate cultural nuances is a valuable asset in an interconnected world where cross-cultural interactions are ubiquitous.


Why is it important to study international relations today?

Studying international relations is crucial in today’s interconnected world. Globalization has intensified the interdependence of nations, economies, and cultures. Understanding how countries interact, cooperate, and address global challenges is essential for maintaining peace, promoting sustainable development, and addressing transnational issues like climate change, terrorism, and pandemics. International relations education equips individuals with the knowledge to navigate this complex landscape, fostering diplomacy, conflict resolution, and effective international cooperation.

What is the main goal of international relations as a study?

The main goal of international relations as a study is to comprehend and analyze the interactions, policies, and dynamics among countries, international organizations, and non-state actors. It aims to provide insights into how nations make decisions, engage in diplomacy, negotiate treaties, and address global challenges. The overarching objective is to promote peaceful coexistence, stability, and cooperation on the international stage while addressing issues that transcend national boundaries.

Is international relations a good course in Nigeria?

Yes, international relations is a valuable course in Nigeria, as in any country. Nigeria, like other nations, is deeply connected to the global community through trade, politics, and culture. Studying international relations in Nigeria offers students insights into the country’s role in international affairs, its diplomatic relations, and its participation in regional and global organizations. Graduates with a degree in international relations can pursue careers in diplomacy, government, NGOs, research, and various sectors that require a global perspective.

What are the 3 C’s of international relations?

The 3 C’s of international relations are:

1. Cooperation: This refers to the collaborative efforts between countries and international organizations to achieve common goals, address shared challenges, and promote mutual interests. Cooperation can encompass economic, political, environmental, and security-related issues.

2. Conflict: Conflict is a central aspect of international relations, encompassing disputes, disagreements, and tensions between nations. Studying how conflicts arise, escalate, and are resolved is integral to understanding the dynamics of global interactions.

3. Coordination: Coordination involves the management of various actors on the global stage. This includes coordinating policies, strategies, and actions to respond effectively to global challenges. Coordination is crucial for managing crises, implementing international agreements, and maintaining stability in a rapidly changing world.

These 3 C’s collectively capture the intricate tapestry of international relations, highlighting the diverse aspects of cooperation, conflict, and coordination that shape the interactions between countries and global entities.


The benefits of studying International Relations extend well beyond the confines of academic learning. From nurturing global awareness and critical thinking skills to facilitating diplomatic prowess and cultural competence, the advantages are diverse and impactful. As the world continues to evolve, individuals equipped with an understanding of International Relations are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping a more interconnected, informed, and harmonious global community.
